EOS Studio Coming to the Cloud

Obsidian Labs
6 min readJun 24, 2019


Today, we proudly release EOS Studio Web (https://app.eosstudio.io) to all EOSIO developers across the world to celebrate the anniversary of EOSIO mainnet launch!

EOS Studio Web is a powerful in-browser IDE designed for the complete development process of EOSIO smart contracts. The web IDE will handle everything from cloud-based contract compilation to cloud-hosted networks. No need to download, install, and configure the EOSIO development environment anymore. Now, anyone can start a blockchain project within seconds.

In addition, many experienced blockchain teams will now share their open source smart contracts and tutorial resources on EOS Studio Web to help new users get started. From today, smart contract development is redefined. Open your browser and enjoy a new blockchain development experience!

From EOS Studio Desktop

Obsidian Labs launched EOS Studio Desktop IDE in February. It quickly became the fastest and most powerful tool for EOSIO contract development. Prior to EOS Studio, developers needed to use the command line and learn multiple different tools to compile, deploy, and test a smart contract. Although these tools have provided important operability at the fundamental level, they were not designed for efficiency in rapid development.

EOS Studio aims to provide a powerful and easy-to-use environment for dApp development. It not only supports basic functions of traditional IDE (such as VS Code or Atom) but also integrates components for blockchain development such as EOSIO code editor, contract inspector, and account viewer. EOS Studio Desktop IDE is now available on all major operating systems such as Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.

With its productive features and friendly user experience, EOS Studio made quite a splash in the EOSIO developer community. Only three months after its launch, EOS Studio attracted developers from more than 40 countries and hundreds of EOSIO development teams. Its Google search index has already surpassed Remix, Ethereum’s largest IDE. EOS Studio also got recognition from Block.one, their CTO Dan Larimer, and is listed in the official EOSIO development documentation.

EOS Studio Web

The mission of EOS Studio Web is to create a simple yet complete online development platform where we take care of the tedious fundamental setup for both novice and large dev teams. EOS Studio Web consists of three parts that will work together to create a more convenient workflow for contract development:

  1. Out-of-the-box web-based IDE;
  2. An online platform of open source smart contracts;
  3. Rich hands-on tutorials and learning resources.

Out-of-the-box web-based IDE

With the idea to build a powerful web IDE, we decided to implement all the features we’ve made in the desktop version. Our goal is to reduce the barriers and completely remove the pain of configuring the local environment. Even a novice should be able to easily start building a smart contract with our IDE.

The main features of EOS Studio Web include:

  • An online EOSIO code editor that supports syntax highlight, auto-complete and inline notification of build errors;
  • A cloud-based compiler for smart contracts — select version of EOSIO.CDT from v1.3 to v1.6 to support all your previous codes;
  • A cloud-hosted EOSIO network (thanks to dfuse for providing this service) — no need to set up a local development environment to save time as well as hard disk space;
  • Connect to networks from the cloud-hosted network, Jungle / Kylin testnets, or EOSIO mainnet;
  • The same Contract Inspector and Account Viewer as in EOS Studio Desktop;
  • Sign transactions with Scatter and mobile wallets.

An online platform of open source smart contracts

EOS Studio Web also creates a large online sharing platform for EOSIO smart contracts where developers from all over the world can share code snippets and interact to learn from each other. This will greatly facilitate the communication within the EOSIO developer community and significantly reduce the barriers for new people to learn smart contract and dApp development.

Main features include:

  • Share smart contracts with others in the community;
  • View shared projects and learn more about contract development;
  • Fork a shared project to quickly bootstrap your new dApp;
  • A list of the most popular smart contracts to keep track of recent updates;
  • Gain more attention for your project.

We will invite top tier dev teams around the world to share and manage their open source contracts on the platform and in exchange, we help them gain more attention. The first batch of teams joining EOS Studio Web are:

Rich hands-on tutorials and learning resources

A list of curated EOSIO tutorials is instantly accessible on our front page so that new developers can get started quickly. It includes our official tutorials as well as those produced by the community.

Here are some excellent ones included in our first launch, we will keep updating with more in the future.

EOS Studio Web as a Community

Obsidian Labs wants to make EOS Studio Web a dynamic ecosystem for developers to build applications and services that encourage people around the world to join the EOSIO ecosystem.

If you are a developer, you can preview EOS Studio Web, read the companion documentation, view open source contract examples, and edit the code online for contract development and learning. We strongly recommend that you log in with your GitHub account and give valuable stars to your favorite projects. The feedback gained from developers will be the biggest value and motivator of our open source community.

If you are part of a development team and have your own open source smart contracts, we encourage you to publish your projects on EOS Studio Web. We have a very large EOSIO developer community and will soon support side chains including BOSCore, Meet.one, Telos and Worbli, etc. We do our best to promote high-quality open source projects, increase their visibility and exposure in the community, and attract a lot of traffic for them. At present, the open source platform has just been launched and upload the contract as early as possible can gain you a huge traffic dividend. Read content immediately, submit the code, and communicate with us at any time to provide feedback.

If you would like to learn more about EOS Studio and Obsidian Labs, please visit our website, read our documentation and check us out on social media:



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